InvestorsResidential InvestorsModern Realty specializes in securing high profit margin deals for all types of investors. Our expertise is comprised of matching investors with the best deals – sometimes not yet even on the market, and our proven strategy for implanting safe, quick and profitable exit strategies. We make the investment ownership experience effortless for our investor clients; operating on a trust-based relationship with our investors, who rely on us to provide complete end-to-end investment management services:
Experienced REO Contractors at your ServiceYou’ve already got a great deal on your home – why not keep the discounts coming? Use one of Modern Realty’s vendors from our Vendor Select program and save! General Home Repairs No repair too big or small. Receive 10% off* the total amount of your scope of work when you use one of the vendors recommended by Modern Realty Company. *Terms- Bids must be ordered prior to the close of escrow, a $100 bid fee is required and if FULLY refundable once work is approved for the preferred vendor. Keep your home sparkling! Our recurring maintenance crews are pioneers of the industry. Since they are already familiar with your property, why not let them continue to maintain your property on a regular basis after the close of escrow? You may continue to use our preferred recurring maintenance service crews for the following services:
Mention Modern Realty to claim your Preferred Buyer discount**. **Discount only available upon a six-month service agreement. Investors | Property Management Modern Property Management is the leader in property management services for investors. Our services below ensure the highest ROI on your investment property. Our property management services include the following:
Contact Our Team to learn how we can help you acquire, manage and sell your investment property for top dollar. |