


Modern Realty secures high-profit deals for all types of Investors. We have a proven track record of consistently matching investors with our exclusive HUD listings, as well as individual REO, Investment, Bulk Portfolios & Short Sale opportunities, and implementing timely & profitable exit strategies.

Investors rely on our specialists to provide complete investment management services, making the process effortless for them and also facilitating capitalization at a higher rate of return over any other real estate company in Southern California.

Property Management | We provide comprehensive management services to maximize the return on clients’ investment property, making the overall ownership experience both realistic and effortless for clients who rely on income from their real estate investments.

First Time Investors

Discount Program | We offer attractive property management and listing discounts upon acquisition/disposition – an especially valuable offer for investors.

Only available by Modern Realty: Click Here for Our FREE HUD & REO List – Updated Weekly

3951 Higuera St
Culver City, CA 90232

Corporate Office

12328 South St. #C
Artesia, CA 90701

Modern Realty